Infrastructure WA

What is the State Infrastructure Strategy?

The State Infrastructure Strategy (the Strategy) will identify the State’s infrastructure needs and priorities, and is the foundation for Infrastructure WA’s (IWA) advice to the State Government. It will address a 20 year timeframe and be refreshed at least every five years.

Publication of a state-wide infrastructure strategy has not been completed before in WA. The Strategy will address a broad range of social, economic and environmental objectives to make recommendations relating to infrastructure planning, prioritisation and decision-making.

Infrastructure WA (IWA) is undertaking consultation on its first Disability Access & Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

The comment period on the draft DAIP closes on 29 June 2020.

The survey is an opportunity for IWA’s stakeholders to have input into the new DAIP.

If you are interested in taking part in the survey please head to the consultation page linked below.