Infrastructure WA

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IWA’s last day at Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth will be on Friday 18 February 2022. As of Monday 21 February we will be located at Level 41, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth.

Telephone and email contact details will remain the same, however the PO Box will be discontinued. All mail can be directed to the office address noted above.

IWA is required to review and report to the Premier on state government infrastructure proposals as per its requirements under the Infrastructure Western Australia Act 2019 (IWA Act).

This includes:

Access our December newsletter update here or sign up below to have information delivered direct to your inbox.

We are pleased to announce Nicole Lockwood as our new Infrastructure WA Board chairperson.

Inaugural Board member Terry Agnew has been appointed deputy chairperson and Rebecca Tomkinson, current chief executive officer of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Western Australia, has been appointed as a new Board member.

Terms of appointment run until 23 July 2024.

Hundreds of people have stepped forward to have their say on the draft State Infrastructure Strategy, Foundations for a Stronger Tomorrow, released by Infrastructure WA in July.

Access our August newsletter update here or sign up below to have information delivered direct to your inbox.

Access our September newsletter update here or sign up below to have information delivered direct to your inbox.