Infrastructure WA

Consultation closes with strong support

Draft Strategy public consultation period has closed

Hundreds of people have stepped forward to have their say on the draft State Infrastructure Strategy, Foundations for a Stronger Tomorrow, released by Infrastructure WA in July.

Over eight weeks, in excess of 700 people attended 30 events held around the State, including workshops, information sessions and engagement activities. General sentiment during the workshops was both constructive and positive.

More than 180 people and organisations also completed Infrastructure WA’s online survey, and provided written submissions before the consultation period closed on 15 September.

While it is still early days as Infrastructure WA reviews the responses, broad support has been received for the draft Strategy’s recommendations.

Of those who completed the online survey, 87% indicated they supported the Strategy, while only 5% said they opposed it.

Online Survey

The feedback received from a wide range of groups, which ranges from industry and community groups to not-for-profit organisations and state and local government agencies, honed in on several key areas of interest, including:

  • climate change, environment and sustainability;
  • planning and coordination;
  • regional development;
  • housing;
  • transport;
  • infrastructure delivery; and
  • timing for implementation of the Strategy’s recommendations.

Infrastructure WA would like to thank each and every individual and group that took the time to review the draft Strategy and provide feedback.

We are now giving each submission the attention it deserves and considering the responses received against the Strategy’s aims, vision, objectives and scope, with the aim to finalise the State Infrastructure Strategy around the end of the year.

The final Strategy will be presented to the Premier and then Government will be given time to respond to it, with supported recommendations to transition to relevant agencies for implementation.

To learn more about the consultation process and the Strategy, visit the State Infrastructure Strategy page.

Published on Wednesday, 29 September 2021