Infrastructure WA
Search State Infrastructure Strategy recommendations
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11. Assist in offsetting carbon impacts associated with infrastructure by strengthening and expanding programs outlined in the WA Climate Policy to develop carbon farming and sequestration markets, including:
- assigning a lead state agency to coordinate the program of works, including development of a Western Australian carbon farming strategy and carbon farming industry development plan across state agencies, government trading enterprises and tenure types to identify and enhance the carbon farming market in WA
- exploring opportunities to expand carbon farming to government-managed land outside of the conservation estate
- supporting Aboriginal empowerment through land management and custodianship in carbon farming initiatives.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 11 is partially supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
12. Better inform future infrastructure climate change risks and adaptation requirements by implementing a statewide approach to climate change adaptation for infrastructure, including:
- expanding the Climate Science Initiative to require statewide coverage and update it regularly to incorporate new information
- requiring all state agencies and government trading enterprises to develop climate change adaptation plans to enhance the climate resilience of assets, operations and services under their control, including analysis of place-based climate change impacts, risk assessment of vulnerable assets and infrastructure requirements to increase resilience to potential climate change impacts for assets at risk, which are embedded in their strategic asset plans and business cases
- developing guidance that enables state agencies and government trading enterprises, in partnership with peak industry bodies, to progress the further development of sectoral adaptation actions
- requiring relevant state agencies and government trading enterprises, in partnership with the private sector, to develop sectoral adaptation plans for all relevant sectors that enable sectoral stakeholders and infrastructure asset owners to identify climate change risks and measures to adapt to current and future climate change impacts.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 12 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
13. Ensure effective climate change mitigation and adaptation planning and decision-making for infrastructure by implementing methods of accountability and coordination across state agencies and government trading enterprises, including:
- annual public reporting of progress on mitigation and adaptation actions via responsible Ministers
- introducing performance measures related to progress of infrastructure-related mitigation and adaptation actions in directors-general and government trading enterprises chief executive officers’ accountability mechanisms
- regular public reporting of the state’s emissions, the extent to which they have changed compared with 2005 levels, and estimated emission reductions achieved through implementing the sectoral emissions reduction strategies.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 13 is partially supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
14. Incorporate sustainability into all stages of the infrastructure decision-making process by amending the Strategic Asset Management Framework, including:
- updating the Strategic Asset Plan Guidelines, requiring state agencies and government trading enterprises to include projects and actions identified in climate change strategies and plans in their strategic asset plans, including the net zero transition plans, sectoral emissions reduction strategies, climate resilience action plan and relevant adaptation plans
- updating the Business Case Guidelines for projects and programs with a capital cost of $100 million or more to require business cases to:
- quantify Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions associated with projects and programs and use this as a key input in determining infrastructure options and design outcomes
- align to emission reduction goals and pathways identified in net zero emissions transition plans and sectoral emissions reduction strategies (once developed)
- demonstrate potential climate change impacts on the assets and adaptation actions to reduce infrastructure vulnerability and increase resilience
- updating the Business Case Guidelines for projects and programs with a capital cost of $100 million or more to require completion and publication of sustainability tool certification, using the most appropriate tool for the type of asset.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 14 is partially supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
Facilitate access to green, social or sustainable finance by developing a sustainability bond framework.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 15 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
Inform more robust and integrated infrastructure planning, decision-making, design and reporting by developing and implementing a sustained, shared environmental and heritage information system for priority locations.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 16 is partially supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
17. Support the delivery of major WA Government infrastructure projects by replacing the current system of acquiring environmental offsets separately with a coordinated bioregional approach, including:
- identifying priority conservation areas for protection, acquisition and on-ground management, regenerative projects and/or research projects where state agencies and government trading enterprises can direct funds to meet environmental offset requirements
- implementing and administering centrally coordinated funds consistent with the principles and operation of other pooled environmental offset funds.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 17 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
18. Contribute to infrastructure and community resilience in the urban environment and support the equitable provision of an interconnected network of cover by developing an overarching urban forest program, including:
- assigning a lead state agency to provide overarching coordination, resourcing and funding mechanisms
- embedding program evaluation to ensure it remains fit for purpose
- extending the existing Urban Canopy Grant Program to increase the urban tree canopy across the Perth and Peel regions, and other major regional urban centres
- partnering with local governments, community groups and other land managers in the rollout
- further reviewing existing planning policy settings with regards to the treatment of trees in new greenfield and infill developments.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 18 is partially supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
Drive better alignment of infrastructure provision and regional development needs by implementing a regional development strategic framework that identifies state and regional priorities and guides whole of government action and investment. The framework should:
- align to other government strategic documents, such as this Strategy and Diversify WA, and be developed in collaboration with government, business and regional stakeholders
- prioritise regional centres based on their strategic importance to the state’s economic and population growth
- consistent with Recommendation 28 in the Planning and coordination chapter, inform integrated regional plans, which include a baseline assessment of the region’s infrastructure, and identify infrastructure and staging required to support the region’s development and growth underpinned by a credible evidence base
- incorporate clear linkages to funding sources and processes, including the annual State Budget process
- be reflected in state agency and government trading enterprise strategic asset plans and business cases
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 19 partially supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
Improve the transparency of government regional investment by reporting all regional expenditures (recurrent and capital) and geographic distribution in the State Budget.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 20 is partially supported. For further information please refer to the response document.