Infrastructure WA
Search State Infrastructure Strategy recommendations
Search Recommendations
1. Elevate WA’s focus on accelerating digital transformation and the priority given to underlying connectivity infrastructure by:
- allocating a lead state agency with a statewide, whole of government focus to proactively increase digital technology adoption and ensure digital services are more accessible and responsive to community and business needs
- developing and implementing an integrated statewide plan for digital connectivity, supported by a prioritisation framework, to guide future government investment
- developing a collaboration model, adopting a coordinated WA Government approach to federal programs and encouraging private sector investment
- providing multi-year WA Government funding and leveraging Australian Government co-investment opportunities for initiatives that have been prioritised in the statewide plan for digital connectivity.
WA Government response
- developing a collaboration model, adopting a coordinated WA Government approach to federal programs and encouraging private sector investment
- providing multi-year WA Government funding and leveraging Australian Government co-investment opportunities for initiatives that have been prioritised in the statewide plan for digital connectivity.
Current Implementation Progress
- developing a collaboration model, adopting a coordinated WA Government approach to federal programs and encouraging private sector investment
- providing multi-year WA Government funding and leveraging Australian Government co-investment opportunities for initiatives that have been prioritised in the statewide plan for digital connectivity.
2. Improve infrastructure efficiency and performance and enhance service delivery through application of a digital-first approach to all stages of the infrastructure lifecycle, by:
- developing a digital-first smart infrastructure policy that guides the application of digital technologies, that includes:
- design principles for digital-enabled infrastructure such as interoperability and flexibility, resilience, open standards and user-centred design
- minimum requirements to embed smart technology in new and upgraded infrastructure where a positive net benefit can be demonstrated
- a clear process for state agencies and government trading enterprises that would identify how to assess and implement digital at all points of the lifecycle, including accounting for upfront and recurring costs in the business case phase
- outcomes and metrics
- amending the Strategic Asset Management Framework’s Strategic Asset Plan and Business Case guidelines to require state agencies and government trading enterprises to apply the digital-first smart infrastructure policy commencing with projects and programs with a capital cost of $100 million or more
- undertaking annual public reporting on digitisation of infrastructure, including on prioritisation, design, procurement, build and operational phases.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 2 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
3. Manage critical risks and support digital transformation by improving cybersecurity practices for state-owned and regulated infrastructure owners and operators, including:
- clearly articulating state and federal government cybersecurity obligations to government infrastructure owners and operators
- implementing mechanisms to mandate application of the Western Australian Cyber Security Policy by government trading enterprises
- updating the Strategic Asset Management Framework’s Strategic Asset Plan and Business Case guidelines to require all infrastructure strategic asset plans and business cases to demonstrate compliance with the Western Australian Cyber Security Policy and, where applicable, the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth).
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 3 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
4. Ensure optimal operation and security of infrastructure by developing digital capabilities within state agencies and government trading enterprises, including:
- prioritising development of state privacy and information-sharing legislation that addresses the need to protect information and leverage value from the state’s information and data and, where practicable, aligns with existing Australian privacy laws to enable streamlined information sharing
- establishing a whole of government digital platform that enables the sharing of location-based asset information
- developing a WA Government data management and asset information policy that would include processes and appropriate standards to enable data sharing and analysis that supports improved planning and delivery of new infrastructure and better management of existing assets and embed these in government procurement processes, where applicable
- assigning a centralised lead state agency that is responsible for developing and retaining data science capabilities within government, including developing a comprehensive workforce strategy.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 4 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
Advance economic, environmental and social outcomes by undertaking an assessment of WA’s science and research infrastructure needs.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 5 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
6. Embed and support early, inclusive, genuine and culturally appropriate engagement with Traditional Owners and Custodians addressing all stages of the infrastructure lifecycle by:
- developing and implementing engagement guidelines that:
- promote community-led processes and place-based infrastructure outcomes for Aboriginal communities
- include guidance to identify and understand, at an early stage, native title and cultural heritage implications of infrastructure proposals
- align with principles of the WA Government’s Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy
- updating the Strategic Asset Management Framework’s Strategic Asset Plan and Business Case guidelines to require preparation and publication of an Aboriginal engagement strategy, including Aboriginal employment targets, for projects and programs with a capital cost of $100 million or more.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 6 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
7. Ensure infrastructure investment delivers tangible benefits to Aboriginal businesses and people by strengthening application of the WA Government’s Aboriginal Procurement Policy, including:
- establishing targets that also consider contract value
- providing updated guidance and education, including unconscious bias training, for procurement and other relevant public sector officers involved in procurement decision-making to support Aboriginal business contracting
- implementing mechanisms to mandate application of the policy by government trading enterprises
- setting new incremental procurement stretch targets (over and above current overall performance levels) in the policy over time.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 7 is not supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
Progressively build capacity and capability of Aboriginal businesses by developing and implementing complementary and proactive measures that are Aboriginal-led where possible.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 8 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
9. Support improved environmental health, social and economic outcomes in remote Aboriginal communities and town-based reserves by improving the quality and resilience of infrastructure and services, ensuring they are safe, reliable, equitable and fit for purpose, including:
- developing a sustainable funding model and investment framework for state government infrastructure that considers whole of lifecycle asset costs, including recurrent funding for the operation and proactive maintenance of assets
- ensuring state agencies and government trading enterprises share information relating to the delivery of state government infrastructure and services to improve efficiency and coordination
- investigating opportunities for the private sector to fund and/or participate in the delivery, operation and maintenance of infrastructure and services
- evaluating the outcomes of the Bidyadanga Land Activation Pilot Project, and once completed, assessing the suitability of the model for application in other remote Aboriginal communities and town-based reserves
- ensuring licensed and regulated water, wastewater and power services are provided by accelerating the regularisation of water and wastewater services to the Water Corporation and power services to Horizon Power, and prioritising these works based on agreed criteria
- establishing and implementing a tiered regulated water, wastewater and power service standard for remote settlements (including remote Aboriginal communities and town-based reserves) to achieve equitable levels of service with other population centres of a similar size across the state
- clarifying the roles and responsibilities of entities providing municipal infrastructure and services, including roads, waste management and sport and recreation facilities
- determining appropriate funding arrangements for the provision of municipal infrastructure and services, including the need for subsidies
- investigating and pursuing opportunities for local Aboriginal residents to be trained to deliver operations and maintenance services for infrastructure.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 9 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.
WA Government response
Current Implementation Progress
10. Better inform future infrastructure requirements and align infrastructure investment with the WA Climate Policy by implementing the WA Government’s policy for net zero emissions by 2050, including:
- strengthening the current net zero emissions by 2050 aspiration to become a firm target and establishing interim emissions reduction targets
- preparing and implementing net zero transition plans as required by the WA Climate Policy by an agreed deadline, that:
- align with interim targets (once defined) for Scope 1 and 2 emissions associated with facilities under the operational control of state agencies or government trading enterprises
- identify actions, with associated timing, for Scope 1 and 2 emissions reductions
- include mechanisms for state agencies and government trading enterprises to report annually on progress against targets and implementation actions
- are supported by funding, resources and public sector capability training
- preparing and implementing sectoral emissions reduction strategies, as required by the WA Climate Policy by an agreed deadline, that:
- are prepared under the direction of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation with authority of a Cabinet decision
- clearly identify government policies and processes that impact emissions for the sector and the changes required to those policies and processes needed to give effect to the sectoral emissions reduction strategy
- include analysis of opportunities for state agencies and government trading enterprises to influence embodied, operational and enabled emissions
- account for enabled emissions through infrastructure design and assessment processes, and prepare infrastructure to accommodate emerging low and zero carbon technology and transitions
- identify cost-effective emission reduction actions, along with associated requirements for funding and financing, resources and public sector capability training
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 10 is fully supported. For further information please refer to the response document.