48. Modernise legislative, regulatory and planning frameworks for water resources and water services by:
- prioritising the development and introduction to Parliament of consolidated and modernised water resources management legislation that:
- supports contemporary, best-practice and responsible water resource management
- improves the definition and security of water entitlements
- facilitates a balanced approach to water trading (including addressing barriers in state agreements)
- responds to evolving conditions such as climate change
- considers the cultural and spiritual value of water to Aboriginal people when making allocation or other resource decisions.
- developing, publishing and implementing a 20-year state water strategy, in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, including Aboriginal groups, that:
- considers economic, social and environmental factors, including population growth, industry needs (such as growing a hydrogen industry) and key shocks and stresses, including climate change
- defines and identifies strategic water resources
- sets objectives and measurable targets to achieve long-term water security for the state, considering circular economy principles and multi-source water planning
- identifies appropriately scaled solutions (local, decentralised or large scheme) that deliver optimised outcomes
- articulates a planning and policy framework, identifying the roles of all levels of government, the water services sector and the private sector to support state development objectives
- is reviewed and refreshed on a 5-year cycle
- developing, publishing and implementing 10+ year regional water plans (including for Perth and Peel) in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, including Aboriginal groups, that:
- align with the state water strategy, regional land use plans and other relevant policies
- respond to the economic, social and environmental drivers and issues of each region
- consider outcomes of the strategic review of water and land-use values (see Recommendation 53)
- are based on up-to-date science and evidence
- address water allocation and supply, and set out infrastructure and investment requirements
- are prioritised according to level of risk and need and are refreshed on a 5-year cycle
- including provisions in planning and regulatory frameworks that enable investments in appropriately scaled, locally integrated alternative water supplies and wastewater systems
- consistent with Recommendation 26 in the Planning and coordination chapter, clearly articulate water resource needs, drainage and infrastructure requirements in land-use and infrastructure servicing plans. Planning should ensure that:
- there is early consideration of the locational availability of water resources and servicing options so that the real capital and operational costs to government are known before making planning decisions
- opportunities to collaborate with the energy sector to plan, access and/or generate renewable energy solutions are identified
- opportunities to use integrated water cycle planning approaches at a community level are adopted to match demand with the most appropriate source of water that is available.
WA Government response
The WA Government responded to Foundation for a stronger tomorrow in February 2023. Recommendation 48 (a,d) is fully supported; (b,c,e) is partially supported. For further information please refer to the response document.