Infrastructure WA

Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan launched

Today we launched our first Reconciliation Action Plan

On August 16 we launched our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Nyungar Elder Neville Collard opened with a Welcome to Country and we were joined by Reconciliation WA, Development WA and Nani Creative sharing a morning tea by All Good Grub catering.

The RAP recognises the opportunities IWA has to contribute to reconciliation in the workplace, but also within the environment in which it operates. It clearly sets out the steps to be taken to prepare for reconciliation and is aligned with the agency’s corporate values.  

Our RAP vision is for a unified Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and their diverse cultures are acknowledged, respected and celebrated.RAP actions will be Implemented and integrated into all aspects of our operations. Initiating this process has demonstrated IWA’s commitment to promoting and facilitating reconciliation, with the development of its Reflect RAP as the first step in the agency’s reconciliation journey.

Through a RAP implementation plan actions will be tracked, measured, and reported on through the working group, which will support the development of future RAPs by identifying meaningful and mutually beneficial activities that make a genuine contribution to reconciliation 

In addition, IWA has committed to ensuring appropriate and meaningful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across all of its functions. As a result of this, the team have initiated the consultation process to develop an agency-wide Aboriginal Participation Strategy. View the Linkedin post here.




Group shot





















Team in board roomNeville Collard

Published on Wednesday, 16 August 2023