Infrastructure WA
Recent engagement sees peak body leaders get their thinking caps on
Infrastructure WA recently held its second External Stakeholder Reference Group meeting

Infrastructure WA recently held its second External Stakeholder Reference Group meeting which brought together peak body leaders to discuss the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy and key opportunity areas for the State.
The Group forms part of IWA’s important stakeholder engagement framework with their knowledge and experience essential in assisting to build IWA’s 20 year infrastructure strategy.
CEO Phil Helberg said it was a great opportunity to provide a summary of works undertaken by IWA since the Group first met in October.
“We were pleased to be able to share where we are at with the development of ‘our vision for 2040’ and also highlight feedback received from our Consultation Outcomes Report,” Mr Helberg said.
Deputy Chair Nicole Lockwood who facilitated the workshop component of the session said it was fantastic to be able to have experts from a variety of industry sectors working together on future infrastructure opportunities.
“We split attendees into groups to identify and brainstorm various build and non-build infrastructure responses to the key strategic opportunities,” Ms Lockwood said.
“Bringing together members who represent different sectors to tackle topics brought unique and more holistic perspectives which was really helpful for us”.
IWA will continue its ongoing engagement program and plans to meet with the group again before the release of the draft Strategy which is expected mid-2021.