Infrastructure WA

IWA welcomes response to the State Infrastructure Strategy

Infrastructure WA (IWA) has welcomed the WA Government’s response to Western Australia’s first ever State Infrastructure Strategy

Infrastructure WA (IWA) has welcomed the WA Government’s response to Western Australia’s first ever State Infrastructure Strategy (Strategy), Foundations for a Stronger Tomorrow, released today.

The WA Government has widely supported the Strategy prepared by IWA, with 98% of the 93 recommendations supported in full, part or in principle.

The response gives the go-ahead for state government agencies and trading enterprises to now align their strategies, plans, policies and major infrastructure initiatives with the Strategy’s supported recommendations.

IWA Chair Nicole Lockwood said this was a significant milestone and step forward for both IWA and the Western Australian community.

“This Strategy provides a central vision and a long-term outlook to guide the planning and delivery of all state government infrastructure over the next 20 years and beyond, Ms Lockwood said.

“It considers the entire state’s key infrastructure needs and priorities in the context of our global environment, WA’s unique strengths and strategic opportunities, so public funds spent on infrastructure are well targeted.

“That way we can achieve lasting impacts and tackle big issues like climate change, Aboriginal empowerment, digital transformation and data management, and ensure WA has access to the infrastructure it needs both now and into the future.”

CEO Phil Helberg said IWA had taken the time, input, insights and ideas of hundreds of people to reach this milestone.

“IWA consulted with more than 800 stakeholders from government agencies, industry groups, community organisations and individuals, in all corners of our state over more than 2 years, which added greatly to the evidence-based research and investigations, that informed the final Strategy.”

“Without those rich on-the-ground insights and intelligence, we could not have produced such a holistic, broad-reaching and practical inaugural Strategy for the WA Government and, ultimately, the Western Australian community.

“The fact that 98% of the report’s recommendations were accepted is a positive reflection on the approach taken, the quality of the recommendations in the Strategy and the broad support amongst stakeholders for the future direction of our state.”

Now that the WA Government has provided its response to the Strategy the focus will turn to implementing the supported recommendations.

All of the partially and fully supported recommendations will transition to state government agencies and trading enterprises to lead their implementation.

Mr Helberg said IWA will lead implementation of a number of recommendations, while also providing high-level advice and assistance to other agencies and enterprises, where required, as they implement the recommendations they are responsible for.

“In keeping with our requirements under the Infrastructure Western Australia Act 2019, (IWA Act) our team will also monitor and report annually on the progress of implementation of the recommendations,” Mr Helberg added.

“We will also continue to deliver our other responsibilities under the IWA Act, including reviewing major infrastructure proposals valued at $100 million or more, supporting the development of the 10-year State Infrastructure Program, and providing infrastructure-related advice to help realise our state’s enormous potential.”

You can read the Premier’s media statement here.

To read the WA Government Response to the State Infrastructure Strategy, visit:

Published on Friday, 03 February 2023