Infrastructure WA

IWA looks back on a year of achievements as it delivers its first Annual Report

IWA reaches milestone as it publishes its first Annual Report


The establishment of Infrastructure WA (IWA) and the release of our Discussion Paper, which will pave the way towards the State’s first 20-year infrastructure strategy, are just some of the highlights featured in IWA’s first Annual Report.

Highlights from this year’s report detail the Infrastructure Western Australia Act 2019 officially commencing in July last year, and the appointments of our first 15 staff members and ten-person inaugural Board.

Chairman, John Langoulant thanked staff and the Board for their dedication over the 12-month period as IWA progresses towards the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy.

“The release of our Discussion Paper in June saw the team visit many areas across our great State to tap into the rich knowledge and experience within industry, the community and all levels of government,” Mr Langoulant said.

“This consultation work will be used to inform the next 20 years of infrastructure in Western Australia.

“I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the very capable team of people who have agreed to work for IWA and for their considerable achievements this year.”

The IWA Annual Report 2019-20 is available on our website.

Published on Wednesday, 30 September 2020