Infrastructure WA

Infrastructure WA hits the road again

Infrastructure WA hits the road again in February 2020 for more regional visits

Infrastructure WA will be visiting Karratha, Geraldton and Kalgoorlie in February 2020 for a series of Regional Stakeholders Engagement Forums as part of an ongoing regional engagement program. 

The sessions will give stakeholders in the Pilbara, Mid West and Goldfields Esperance regions the opportunity to find out about Infrastructure WA’s early operation and the development of Western Australia’s first State Infrastructure Strategy

There will be presentations from Infrastructure WA Chairperson John Langoulant AO and Deputy Chairperson Nicole Lockwood (Karratha), along with Acting CEO Lance Glare. 

Presentations will be followed by an open engagement forum. 

Places are limited, and registration is essential. Follow the links below to reserve your place. 

Pilbara Stakeholders Engagement Forum: Monday, 17 February 10.30am – 1.00pm
Mid West Stakeholders Engagement Forum: Friday, 21 February 10.30am – 1.00pm 
Goldfields Esperance Stakeholders Engagement Forum: Friday, 28 February 10.30am – 1.00pm 

This series of Regional Stakeholders Engagement Forums follow Infrastructure WA’s visits to Broome, Bunbury and Albany in late 2019.

The team will be making further visits to regional Western Australia, and the Perth metropolitan area, as part of an upcoming State Infrastructure Strategy stakeholder consultation. 

For the latest on this, and other Infrastructure WA updates, sign up for our newsletter via the website form, and follow us on LinkedIn


Published on Monday, 20 January 2020