Infrastructure WA

Infrastructure WA Chief Executive Officer appointment

Infrastructure WA is proud to announce that senior infrastructure professional Philip Helberg has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer.


Infrastructure WA is proud to announce that senior infrastructure professional Philip Helberg has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer for a five-year term commencing on August 1, 2020.

Mr Helberg's role will focus on providing expert infrastructure advice to the Premier and State Government on the planning and implementation of infrastructure priorities and initiatives.

As a former Deputy Director General at the Department of Finance, Mr Helberg led Building Management and Works, and the Strategic Projects arm of the agency, driving significant sector-wide reforms in infrastructure planning and development.

With diverse experience across both the public and private sectors, Mr Helberg has previously overseen annual infrastructure programs in excess of $1 billion.

The Board would like to acknowledge and thank Lance Glare for his leadership as the Acting Chief Executive Officer since August 2019, and for the significant contribution he has made in the development of Infrastructure WA.

Read the full Premier's statement.

Published on Monday, 08 June 2020