Infrastructure WA

December 2023 Update

Season's Greetings

As we reflect on the beginning of 2023, we were pleased to welcome two new Board members, Dr Richard Walley OAM a Nyoongar man of the South West region, recognised for his significant contribution to the promotion of Nyoongar Culture and the Arts; and Hon Jay Weatherill AO the 45th Premier of South Australia, who also serves as an industry Professor at the University of South Australia. 

February marked a milestone with the release of the much-anticipated WA Government Response to the 2022 State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS). The government supported 98% of the 93 recommendations, either in full or in part – testament to the team’s significant consultation and engagement, and research and analysis that informed the Strategy. This endorsement not only initiated the process of implementing these recommendations and embedding them into government’s activities and work programs, but also marked the commencement of IWA’s legislative function in reporting on progress of implementation. On that note, I am pleased to announce the release of IWA’s inaugural Implementation Progress Report. This report is designed to enhance transparency and accountability throughout the implementation of these supported SIS recommendations and offers insight into related activities occurring across government.

In preparing this report IWA considered the government’s response to the SIS, progress status updates provided by agencies and government trading enterprises, and information within the government’s inaugural 10-year State Infrastructure Programme (SIP). While good progress is being made across many of the committed actions there are some areas where IWA encourages ongoing focus, including Aboriginal engagement across the infrastructure life cycle, improving housing diversity and supply, and better understanding the infrastructure needs and coordination required to support the energy transition. 

June saw IWA submit its first suite of advice to government to help inform development of the SIP, which offered insights into significant infrastructure investments, needs and challenges, as well as some potential options to address these matters over the 10-year period. Government tabled its inaugural SIP report in Parliament on 11 August 2023.  

Continuing the theme of firsts for the agency, August saw us proudly launch our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which formalises IWA’s commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and reconciliation. Our Reflect RAP sets out our vision to strengthen relationships and contribute to closing the gaps in opportunities and well-being.

Following Board endorsement in June, IWA has been working in collaboration with DPC’s Office of Digital Government to develop an infrastructure Data Hub. The project presents an opportunity to realise whole-of-government benefits through the establishment of a reliable centralised source of infrastructure information that is accessible across the public sector.  The team is set to engage extensively with key agencies, progressively building the data repository, and enhancing the platform’s capabilities in 2024 to fully realise the benefits of the initiative. 

2023 has seen a real acceleration of our Major Infrastructure Proposal Assessment (MIPA) function. The MIPA team has conducted 17 assessments this year and is preparing to implement the updated guidelines, which integrate valuable insight gained throughout the evolution of the function. These updated guidelines are scheduled for release in the new year, supported by an awareness and engagement program to assist agencies. 

This year's annual review of Strategic Asset Plans (SAP) involved formal examination of 30 agency SAPs, with key findings reflecting an overall uplift in quality and demonstrating the continuous improvement efforts and growing maturity across government. In partnership with the departments of Treasury and Finance, IWA remains committed to working collaboratively with agencies in 2024 to further build understanding and support enhanced capacity and capability in asset management. 

November 2023 also saw the re-establishment of IWA’s External Stakeholder Reference Group, which was originally formed in 2020 and was instrumental in the early stages of developing the SIS. The first meeting was insightful and enabled us to collect valuable information and feedback to inform further engagement throughout 2024.  

IWA also hosted a strategic asset management workshop in November that highlighted advancements in asset management within government agencies. Building on the work we have done with the Department of Finance and Treasury, the workshop emphasised the importance of modern practices in data management as well as an engaged culture for implementing better asset management practices. The workshop also included networking time to foster collaboration across the public sector and support the potential development of a community of practice in 2024.  

Looking ahead work planned for early in the new year will be crucial in establishing the strategic vision and objectives that will define the next SIS. The development of an Aboriginal Participation Strategy will also be a focus for the agency, which aims to help formalise IWA’s ongoing approach to genuine and meaningful participation and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

We will also focus on progressing the implementation of relevant supported SIS recommendations where IWA is designated as a lead or co-lead agency. These include the development of a draft digital-first smart infrastructure policy for government consideration, advice outlining the integration of sustainability within strategic asset management processes, and an investigation into the merits of embedding benefits management plans and post-completion reviews for MIPA proposals and programs within the government’s asset management processes. 

In addition, IWA, in partnership with the Infrastructure Sustainability Council and the Office of Major Transport Infrastructure Delivery, will be hosting a sustainability innovation event on 13 March 2024. The primary objective of this event is to help further foster a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between government agencies, as asset owners, and forward-thinking innovators and suppliers in the realm of sustainable products. More information will be coming to your inbox soon, and we hope to see you there. 

As the year ends, we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy festive season and New Year! The IWA office will close on December 22 and re-open on January 2. We express our gratitude for the collaborative efforts and achievements in the past year and eagerly anticipate continuing our work together in 2024. 

Phil Helberg

Chief Executive Officer

Published on Thursday, 21 December 2023