Infrastructure WA

Building government’s strategic planning knowledge

IWA's Strategic Asset Planning team collaborates with public sector agencies


Our team recently completed an intensive period of engagement with over 20 public sector infrastructure agencies to discuss the importance of sound asset management and planning.

Feedback included insights into work that is underway across the sector to provide enhanced understanding of government assets, their condition, potential impacts of future system demands and disruptors, and ultimately the support needed to improve strategic asset planning.

This work, which aligns with key recommendations in the State Infrastructure Strategy, is critical to building IWA’s own strategic planning knowledge, while also helping to improve the availability, quality and sharing of information across government.

We thank the many stakeholders across the public sector who engaged in these meetings and look forward to ongoing discussions and collaboration.

Infrastructure WA Team (left to right): Ryan Victa, Liliana Pelle, Beth Beere, Richard Jeffcot, Geraldine Thomas, Owen Thomas (Deputy CEO), Vickie Marraffa, Jakub Laszkiewicz, Absent: Megan Waddell

Published on Friday, 18 November 2022