Infrastructure WA
Book now for launch of draft 20-Year State Infrastructure Strategy
Launch of IWA's draft State Infrastructure Strategy set for 21 July 2021

After a process of extensive community, industry and government consultation across the State, Infrastructure WA is pleased to announce the release details for Western Australia’s first draft 20-year State Infrastructure Strategy:
Date: Wednesday 21 July 2021
Time: 11.30am for a 12pm start, concluding by 2.30pm
Venue: Crown Ballroom
Great Eastern Highway
This event provides an opportunity to learn about the key responses and recommendations of the draft Strategy and how it brings together the views of the community to deliver a blueprint for Western Australia’s infrastructure needs and priorities for the next 20 years and beyond.
Infrastructure WA will discuss the highlights of the draft Strategy, answer questions, and outline the process for how you can provide feedback on the draft Strategy before it is finalised and submitted to the Premier.
For further information on the event and ticketing, please visit the Property Council website.